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Deep Fake victim

New AI Technology is being used to make Deep Fakes

Dark Blurred Background

don’t believe everything you see online

It is important to remember that AI technology has advanced to the point where it can create incredibly realistic and convincing images, videos, and other content that may appear to be legitimate. With the prevalence of social media and other online platforms, it is easier than ever for these scams to spread rapidly and target vulnerable individuals.

How it works

Deepfakes are digital versions of someone that can mimic their behavior and speech patterns. They use a type of technology called ‘machine learning’ to study photographs and videos of a target person from multiple angles, and then copy their face and mouth movements. To make a deepfake video, you need to upload your source and target videos to an app or a program, and let the AI learn and render your video. You can then download or watch your newly created deepfake video


the number of expert-crafted video deepfakes double every six months

Can you recognize a deepfake?

Modern Keyboard and Mouse Computer Device

Top Expert

Tom Cruise

Deepfake video

Example of a DEEP Fake

A simple picture of a face can be transformed into looking like this famous person in video form. It is SCARY how good this technology is.

Will Smith

Will Smith

<insert Name>

is now Will Smith with AI technology

A simple picture of a face can be transformed into looking like this famous person

Insert other famous people videos with clients pictures

<insert Name>

is now <celebrity> with AI technology